Sewing Partial Quilt Seams
Kelly AshtonDescription
Learning new techniques and skills as a quilter can be a challenge. Video is the perfect platform for learning about sewing seams that are in a partial seam quilt block. The ability to rewatch and pause can assist you as you work your way through this new approach. Once you have mastered this skill, you will find a new group of quilt blocks you had previously avoided. New skills = new adventures.
Kelly Ashton, your instructor, in this tutorial, will guide you through the use and construction of partial seams in quilting. She begins with the anatomy of the partial seam quilt block and why the technique is altered in order to complete sewing seams in this style of patchwork. Kelly provides wonderful examples of quilt blocks that use the partial seam technique and where the partial seam is found within each block.
Next, you will see first hand how the orientation units can vary the “spin” of a patchwork block. Note the direction, if you desire all your blocks to rotate in the same manner. Your instructor guides you through the proper alignment and stitching process, leaving an area un-stitched for later access to complete the seam. She also provides the direction to press your initial seam allowance. After the partial seam is complete, you will see each additional unit added and the use of full seams for this portion of the block.
In the last step, Kelly points out the final alignment of seams, and points out where your stitching should begin and end. She also advises overlapping your stitching or securing the start of this last seam with a tack or back stitch.
She ends this tutorial with examples of additional partial seam quilt blocks and shares how using directional prints and pieced framing of blocks with the partial seam technique can add visual interest to your quilt project.
For additional instruction of this technique, follow the link for more on the partial seam block.