Lexington Sampler Challenge: Bed Size Finishing Instructions

The National Quilter’s Circle Lexington Quilt Block Challenge will only be available through August 8th!

It’s the last week of the National Quilters Circle Quilt Block Challenge, featuring the beautiful Lexington Sampler quilt, designed by the talented Susan Guzman of SuzGuz Designs! Can you believe that we’ve come this far? This week provides instructions only for the Bed Size quilt. Find the finishing information below!

If you loved this challenge and would like to see more in the future, please let us know! We’re now taking suggestions for future challenge theme ideas, so if you have a fun idea for a challenge, let us know in the comments below or share with us in the Facebook group!

The fun doesn’t need to stop here! The NQC Quilt Block Challenge Facebook group will remain a place to connect with fellow quilters to share project ideas, photos and tips.

Ready for your next block? Here’s what’s coming up next:
Introduction to NQC Block Challenge: Lexington Sampler
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Finishing & Center Assembly Instructions
Finishing Instructions (for bed only)

Share tips, start a discussion or ask one of our experts or other students a question.

29 Responses to “Lexington Sampler Challenge: Bed Size Finishing Instructions”

  1. María

    Thank you so much for allowing me on the Lexington challenge, I hadn’t sewn in two years , and finished three other quilts while waiting for each block. I enjoyed the interaction with fellow quilting buddies. Received lot’s of help I’m happy to be quilting again 😍😘😊🎉🎊

  2. Carole

    Can’t wait to start working on the quilt

  3. Peggy Green

    Sew excited to do this one.

  4. Nancy S West

    Loved this challenge. Would enjoy doing another.

  5. Patricia Day

    Thank you for easy instructions to follow for the Lexington Sampler. I'm having a great time making it although I ran into a glick when I was making the last part before the borders, much to my own fault of cutting. I hope to show you my blocks as soon as I learn how. Thanks again for a fun project.

  6. pat beals

    sad this challenge has come to an end looked forward to every Thursday-hope there will be another one

  7. jacqueline tindall

    Thank you. For some reason couldn't get 8-9. Now have them. :-)

  8. Barbara Cooper

    Are there instructions for the borders??

  9. Angela Johnson

    Are you teaching how to finish this quilt on a normal sewing machine?

  10. Clare

    I saw the first week the email said there was a week 8 and 9 was the center for those who wanted something different. Is there an email that I missed?