Designing a Work of Art: Quilting Ideas & Techniques 3-DVD Set
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3-DVD Set: Designing a Work of Art: Quilting Ideas & Techniques
This 3-DVD set features our top selling DVDs by mixed media artist Heather Thomas. This multi DVD set features over 4-1/2 hours of tips and techniques on three DVDs including: Quilt & Color, Fabric Painting and The Embellished Quilt. 298 minutes.
DVD 1: Quilt & Color DVD – 99 minutes
Heather Thomas shares her tips for creating a free style machine quilted design and how to use ink to color her finished designs. Heather talks about what to look for in your machine and the types of materials that work best from quilting free style, and the considerations for using ink when coloring the finished quilt.
Topics Included on DVD 1
DVD 2: Fabric Painting DVD – 106 minutes
Mixed media, artistic quilt designer Heather Thomas provides step-by-step instruction on how to create original fabric to create a truly unique quilt. Learn how to build up layers of designs with dip dyed fabric and handmade stamps. Follow along as she demonstrates a variety of dying techniques to create texture on the fabric including how to use salt as a resist, and shows how to design original stamps with fun foam, and Speedball Speedy-Cut carving blocks. Heather then teaches how to use found objects, like bubble wrap, along with stamps to build up texture on the dried fabric.
Topics Included on DVD 2
DVD 3: The Embellished Quilt DVD – 93 minutes
Heather Thomas shares her passion for embellishments in this technique packed DVD. Watch as Heather demonstrates how to create lightweight, painted embellishment using paper clay, and how to add a bit of sparkle and dimension to your project using iron on, hot fixed metals. She also shares some best practices on what to consider when designing a quilt that will include multiple embellishments, how to prepare your project for quilting, as well as an overview of thread and stitching selections to create a decorative finish. Finally Heather provides step-by-step instructions on binding, with suggestions on how to keep your wall art hanging flat.
Topics Included on DVD 3