Sometimes all you need in life is a little bit of chocolate. For the rest of the time, all you need is quilting! So we wanted to bring the question to the group and ask our National Quilters Circle members to fill in the blank: “Quilting is better than chocolate because ______.” The responses made us smile! Here are a few of our favorites.
What would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments or share on Facebook!
While chocolate is definitely a close second to quilting, we’d rather be quilting any day. Or better yet… eating chocolate WHILE quilting!
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quilts last for you to enjoy a very long time as compared to the few moments of the enjoyment of a good piece of chocolate.
Quilting is much healthier option than chocolate and satifies the cravings just as much
Quilting is better than chocolate because it is low in carbs and high in energy.
First time beginner
Chocolate only has so many pieces, while Quilting has so many pieces!
Chocolate and quilting help keep me in the zen zone so I don’t stress out.
you use calories not gain calories!
"Quilting satisfies my soul where chocolate only satisfies my sweet tooth."
Quilting is better than chocolate because it doesn't make you fat!
Quilting is better than chocolate because you can savor a quilt longer then chocolate.